Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fun Fact #7

It's been a while since the last one..Mainly because I've just avoided it. Haha, the road to self discovery is a pain in the ass, and sharing the things I learn about myself is just sometimes embarrassing. I must have at least three drafts that I just haven't had the guts to share with the world yet, but I feel like this one is a combo of all of them

This kind of goes with the onion shit or whatever, but I have a closet full of problems.

So many of them, that I just kind of laugh off, and push to the side, and stick them in the back of the closet if you will. Some of them little tiny socks, some of them a huge box. But is it all of these things that I stick in my gigantic emotional walk in closet. I say it is a walk in, because I can store a lot of shit in there before it is time to do some spring cleaning.

I don't want to whine and bitch and moan about all of the horrible things in my life, because I know that I have been blessed with a lot of great things in my life, and it evens out very well. But sometimes I cope with shit wrong. Sometimes I like to pretend that everything is great, when really all I did was stick the bad stuff in a box and stick it in the back of the closet.

It has been a LONG time since I emptied out the closet, and right now it is getting really full. I can tell I'm about to lose it just because of the way I was acting today. I have no idea why I get way I do. Why I feel the need to just pretend that I'm fine with everything. Why on earth I've gotten to the point where I cry for 4 seconds and then I suck it up.

I really need to work on this :]