Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Exactly where you need to be.

Isn't it funny how I change churches because I feel like this new church can help me find a mission to go on. I really feel like I'm being called to the field, so switching churches was so that I could find someone to help me get there, because I don't know how to do it on my own. And literally TWO DAYS after I switch, I find out about a meeting for a trip to Africa. AFRICA!! THIS SUMMER!! How epic would that be? I mean, seriously. TWO DAYS. Two freaking days, and I have a meeting lined up. I'm not saying THIS is going to be the trip that God has called me to, but if anything this meeting is a little 'thank you' from God for listening to what he has to say. For finally standing with two feet in, and for finally taking that leap of faith into His arms. I went into all of this change blindly, and my eyes are opening wider as I see the fruits of His labor. He is being revealed to me from ALL sides, and it is just amazing.

I'm so excited for this meeting. I don't even know how to explain it. But I can't waitt!! :]

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun Facts.

I think I kind of discovered what I needed to discover with my funfacts. I still have blogs unwritten, and drafts, but I'm deleting them all, because they were all things that I needed to get out in that moment in time, but they don't mean much anymore. A lot of the fun facts I came up with, I thought of while I was at work. And with my promotion, I don't have the idle time I had as an associate. There is always something I need to be working on, or thinking of, so I don't have time to dwell on all of the things that I think are wrong with me. Because, face it. We all have stuff that is wrong with us, and we all have things that we want to change, and I thought the blogs were going to help me with that. I had a plan in mind with them when I first started. I was suppossed to point out a flaw and make a goal with how to fix it. I only did that with the second one. And I fixed it. I just did a MAJOR overhaul of a lot of stuff in my room, and it feels good to get rid of so much stuff. My room is still trashed, but at least there isn't so much TRASH.

^^haha, I thought that was clever.

But anyways. I had way too much caffiene tonight, so I can't really sleep. And I might just be a little bit nervous about tomorrow. I don't know why. I think it is because I'm doing this without Bre. And I think that is the funniest part, is becasue part of this change is to have a little bit of separation in our lives. I love her, but we were kind of becoming the same person. We both need some time to change and to blossom. She has helped change me so much. And I've helped her. I loved our talk we had a few weeks ago about the changes that we have gone through together.

I think I may have gotten myself out of my funk, without medicating myself. We'll see how long this lasts though. I might just be on a weird high of change. Who knows. I'm so excited for all of the fun things that are going to happen in the future. I just can't wait to see how it all turns out.