Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 reflections

Last year was insane. I've written before about how I am constantly on a roller coaster, but it seemed like Feb-Aug was just this deep pit that I could just not claw my way out of. It was hard, and depressing, and boring, and a complete and total waste of time. Because I could have done so much more in those months. Life is full of moments and every moment has the potential to be a memory and I just did not work hard enough to make good memories in that time period. But the year turned around and it ended on a pretty good note. I lost some friends last year, and I gained some. I distanced myself from one church family and found solace in a beautiful group of women. I renewed a friendship with someone who has put up with me far more then I deserve. I met people that I've talked to for years. I was crazy, I was spontaneous, I was dangerous, but most importantly I was blessed. In so many ways. :]
Here are a few of my favorite memories:
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I partied the new year in with my rockstar, with Taylor and four little munchkins that I've grown to love. I watched Fashion Bug close from the inside and lost my job, and spent the next six weeks dancing a lot and drinking way too much. On one of those nights that I was drinking I convinced Casey (an internet friend) to come out for her 21st birthday. I rented a car for the weekend and we ended up getting a kick ass red mustang. And then I drove to Bakersfield in the middle of the night to pick her up because it was fun. And then we went on a club crawl and met silly boys and laughed way too hard. I bought a bunk bed and redid mine and Makayla's room and finally felt like I had a piece of home to call my own. I started going out to the shop with dad and Makayla, and fell in love with racing all over again. And I went to the circus and didn't pass out. And Makayla rode an elephant!
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I watched the superbowl. And posted an instagram picture that was exactly like Joe Jonas' (he's such a copycat) I started a new job on Valentines day and HATED IT. I met Britt Nicole and listened to her sing All This Time live from like 6 feet away. The Jonas Brothers made a come back. I bought a car. I MET TAYLOR SWIFT. TWICE. I discovered moscato. And I've probably had like 10 bottles of it since then because fancy girls drink wine ;] I turned 23 and had the WORST birthday ever. My car broke down, I didn't get to go to my birthday dinner, I almost wasn't able to go to my birthday party that I had planned. A bunch of people showed up and it made me really happy but the night ended up on a sour note. I gave my car back, and then I started Celebrate Recovery.
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I was reckless, I died my hair pink, I ate in sketchy chinese restaurants at 2 am, I pierced my ear in a walmart bathroom and it didn't get infected, and a whole bunch of other 2am adventures that didn't need to be photgraphed. I bought an iPhone (which Im moderately obsessed with) I ombre'd my sisters hair. Twice. And it turned out really good. I was sick for SIX WEEKS. Straight. I was partially deaf for five of those weeks. Then I got surgery and felt like I had supersonic hearing for two weeks after. I developed a fear of getting my head wet because I didn't want to get another ear infection. I still stress when I'm in the shower. I learned the true meaning of God being in control and I've made a daily effort to give up the reigns that I think I have on my life and let Him take the wheel. I didn't get to go to camp. And it was last minute. And it literally broke my heart into piece. I cried when I made the decision, I cried when anyone posted about it. I cried as the busses pulled out, but I spent the entire week focusing on other things and praying about a specific friendship in my life. A friendship that was okay, but had the potential to be so much more. And God used that weeks and the weeks to follow to grow me closer and closer to my best friend. I bought way too many iPhone cases.
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I won meet and greets to meet the Jonas Brothers. I literally laid my head down and sobbed in the middle of a buffet on the strip. I met the Jonas brothers and had a full on conversation and told them how much they meant. And then the next day I found out I had the chance to meet them again in LA a week later so I bought a bus ticket and rode all night to Los Angelos and took a subway and a city bus to CityWalk and got to go to their Huawei VIP party. And then I met up with the most amazing people on this planet. And then I watched the boys and the band take their last bow on their last tour ever. I met Miley Cyrus. And I say the backstreet boys. Again. Still the best concert ever. I catered a wedding, while watching a three year old. And while wearing boots. Silly >.<
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I watched Tim Mcgraw life with my bestie. We like concerts and country music. I started working at ross, and then I started Nannying and I worked a whole bunch of hours between the two jobs. I won a BUNCH of money on penny slots randomly, and then spent way too much on makeup. I overly planned a trip to Denver and then cancelled it three hours before it was supposed to happen, but through planning that trip I reconnected with a friend that I really hadn't talked to in a while. And I'm so blessed to have her in my life.. I drank A LOT of coffee. I last minute planned a trip to Utah with the best friend and our sisters. And it was amazing. And I made a lot of pinterest crafts. Including a two dimensional christmas tree. There were so many fun memories last year, and I can't wait to make so many more.