Saturday, September 27, 2008

college times :]

this deserves its own seperate post, because it is going to make me happy.

college. is so freaking amazing. Like, i seriously have no words to describe how much fun I am having.
its reallly sad to say, but yesterday was the first day that I actually missed my mom. It was kind of sad, and if effected me a lot, because the whole day turned out to be crap, that night however was a different story.

so, I was going to go to the FUNR party with lyn, but then... i was like. blehh im tired I dont wanna. Really I just wanted to stay home and be depressed. I was wallowing in self pity because I got a ''c'' on my bio test, and matt was being as ass ( i fell like i have to distinguish between matts, even for myself now. This is getting confusing. but were talking about kosmala here :]) and soooo. he was just being an ass, so that pissed me off. so i was like. eff that, i dont wanna party.
well, then i was talking to d'andre and he said something about a blacklight party, and i was like. oh, sounds like fun. but i was hesitant. i still reallly didnt want to go out.
Then I talked to Nikki, and she convinced me, but instead of going to parties we were just gunna hang out in a friends room and then walk around on the strip.

it was so vegas-y, i couldnt resist. lol. I love pretending I havent lived here most of my life. its so much fun. lol.

I had fun, minus the whole drama bs, but as long as you can get past it, then it was enjoyable lol

RPC, is like, making my life.
I seriously think I would be so freaking bored and sick of school right now if it wasnt for the homecoming committee. These people are some of the most amazing people ever. no lie.

goshhhh. im just loving life right now. its so amazingg.


so it really irritates me when people read that paper that i wrote, and they were like, oh hunny if we would have known it was this bad we would have done something about it.
ohhh really? then wtf did you just think it was just a teenager fighting with their mom everytime I talked to you?
seriously. dont try and pull that.
its over and its done with
dont tell me what you would have done if you would have known
that stupid little word if
its already happened
its not going to change.
I don't want your stupid sympathy now, its over and its done with. I dont want the damn pity party. I want to live my life, love my mom and enjoy her sobriety.
gah. its just annoying. stupid promises and all that retardedness. like. come on, seriously.
i probably dont make any sense, but whatever.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

okayy so like

i wish my titles were as wittty as jacobs in breaking dawn

dude... i cant wait til the movie.. its like.. 75ish days. how exciting is that?

hahaha. im bored. lol
and im procrastinating on homework
im kind of, really excited to write that paper now