Friday, October 31, 2008

kevin jonas

neeeds to spend his 21st bday in vegas
he can buy the malibu rum, ill provide the pineapple juice and the entertainment.. free of charge ;]

goodness that boy looks freaking hot as hell sometimes, i swearrrr it could just be like, a phase im going through at the moment..

Kevin Jonas Pictures, Images and Photos

hahaa, now that ive let all that goo.
im bored
as helll
sitting in my room, while pretty much everyone else on the floor is out, at the mansion party.
but my parents are retarded. i dont know how its their fault that im not at theparty, but.. it is.

they annoy the hell out of me sometimes. its ridiculous. i just want to scream sometimes i swear.
i dont even live with them anymore, and i just want to screaammmm. ergh.
im so bored im mumbling. its ridiculous.
im gunna go read somemore :]

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

just a vent

some people worry me with certain things
like, i know my parents always say i have no common sense and whatnot, but really, i beg to differ.
sometimes, i act silly, and dont get certain things right away, but eventually i swear i do
hehe a little edit now that this is public :]
you can't find a building on your own?
i dont even know why its irritating me so much, except for the fact that this is probably how my parents feel about me sometimes.
a little common sense goes a long way, and they dont seem to follow that i have more common sense then a lot of my friends
or maybe its just, my independence that i have gotten since ive moved out

but still, like, you cant find your own psych trailer. it has me seriously worried though... because really it shouldnt be that hard.
but ill get over it soon i guess. haha

Saturday, October 18, 2008

homecoming week

this seems to be the best spot to put this because i really dont want to censor my memories, so im not gunna put it on myspace.

monday :]
--kickoff. Rise and shine early, but it wasnt too bad. i really didnt sleeep at all that night, because i guess i was just, insanely excited. haha. we got up, started on the balloon arch, made sure everything went well and what not. it really wasnt stressful, just meeting with the judges was kind of nuts. haha
--foam party. it seemed like everything that could have gone wrong, did. It was insane. I honestly think we were just all exhausted, and stressed and worried about how the rest of the week was going to go. And to top it all off, we were freezing like no other. but it was a ton of fun, and it was super warm in the foam. i cant wait to go to the computer in the sia offices and take all the foam party pics off of there and put it on myspace. lol

tuesday :]
--rebels after dusk. insane fun, like no lie. we were stressed, but excited. i started off with snowcones, then moved to check in, and then over to games, and then kind of stopped working. i was so tired from being in the office and runnign around like a nutter that i just didnt go anywhere. lol. then we played around and danced on the stage. i took a picture with a creeper, and he was taking pictures with like, everyone. he was nuts. lol
clean up was fun. we all seemed to bond more on tuesday then anything. idk why, it just seemed to happen that way. lol
wednesday :]
--the variety show. the show went well :] there were only a few cues that were off, but it was all good. the stage fell, but everything went smoothly. i was happy with everything
thursday :]
--the rally, and yay for getting to leave early
friday :]
--nothing but paperwork. but it was still fun like woah :]
saturday :]
--paradeee up super early. matt to the rescue with doughnuts and coffee. bless his soul :]
it was a chill day, and everything went well. im glad its all over though. no lie, im exhausted, but it was all so worth it.
im so excited to wear regular clothes next week instead of unlv shirts all freaking week long. lolll.

some quotes that i will try to remember, and ill add as i think of them

matt : Follow me Tasha.
tasha: Where are we going?
m: no where, you are just following me.

m: i'm the leader, you walk behind me. not in front, not to the side, behind.
t: am i not worthy of walking next to you?
M: nope
(he means it in the most loving wayy i swear.)

d-rex- nice stars on your pants
everyone else- uhm, creeper?

haha and our nicknames. lmfao
d-rex- donovan nichols
asian persuasion- donovan kaneshiro
big bird- matt cooney
rad girl- krista
fanny pack sassy pants - annie
meanie mouse-- nikki
t-bomb/ ear nazi- mee
boots- stephanie mejia
cranky pants - gregory patton
tink-heather england