Thursday, December 25, 2008

blessings <3

extremely blessed today.and, its only 7 am, look at that.About this time as little as a year ago my sister and I would be awake trying to get everyone else in the house awake, so that we could open presents.But, the gifts are still wrapped and I'm letting everyone sleep in, because as thankful as I am for the gifts that are under the tree, I know the true reason we are celebrating today.I'm all sorts of sappy and emotional, probably from lack of sleep, but mostly because today means a lot to me.Not only do I know what Christmas is about, but my mom, is sober. For the first Christmas in a LONG TIME.I know that when she wakes up this morning, I don't have to look at her eyes to see how much I have to hide in my room today. I won't have to hope that she drinks enough Bailey's in her coffee to keep her happy all day instead of getting all weird and emotional. I know, that I'm going to have so much fun with my FAMILY today, and it's all because I'm blessed. It's only by the grace of God that I can enjoy this Christmas, and I thank Him from the bottom of my heart.I really hope that everyone knows the true meaning of Christmas, and if you don't, then look it up, get out a bible and read the book of Luke. Read how Christ was born, and never forget that he died for our sins.Merry Christmas to all of my Family and Friends, I love you all soo very much.<3

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