Friday, July 9, 2010

Amazing love

I posted this on FB, but I figured I should post it here too ;]

Two years ago, just around this time (I don't know exact dates, but it was the third week of VBS, so I'm just going to say two years ago today :p)

Anyways, two years ago, I was walking back from the pool with my family after a Sunday service that i grudgingly went to, and I looked up in the sky and asked for a sign. God, if you are there could you do something to prove it? Because I'm having a tough time believing it right now Nothing happened so my stubborn teenager self walked into the house scoffing. This is a load of bologna was the top thought in my head.

Come Wednesday Dad had somehow convinced me to go to VBS. I reaaally didn't want to go. No one talked to me, I always sat alone and I just hated life every time I was there. But I went, and I sat... And I actually listened. And Ray told me that I was a sinner. And that without Jesus I would not go to heaven. And I took that as my sign. That night I went home and sat on the couch and I showed my parents that piece of paper, and broke down in tears. Because I was so ashamed that I turned my head from God for so long, and then the tears turned to tears of joy, because I felt loved. And, someone had actually talked to me that night. <3

Two years flash by, and here we are to today. I've got my VBS lesson book chilling next to me, a pair of scissors sitting amongst a pile of paper clippings and a smile on my face. Because tonight our munchkins are learning the ABC's, and I pray with my whole heart that at least one child will leave tonight feeling the love that I felt two years ago. I pray that someone will walk out with a smile on their face and can spend the next two years of their lives getting to know their Savior, and counting the blessings that God has bestowed upon us.

Everyday I look up at that piece of paper I received two years ago and smile. The paper has permanent fold and dirt marks on it, from the two months I carried it in my purse as a reminder to myself, it has blue marks on the corners left over from the putty I used to hang it in my dorm room, and a few holes right at the top where I've shoved a push pin through so it can hang on my wall. Today, I thank God for my salvation, and that little piece of paper reminds me what a tremendous love my Father has for me. <3

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