Tuesday, August 12, 2008

califonii.... YAYY! haha

just. absolutely amazing.

im still pretty much speechless on the whole trip
the whole thing was amazing :]
i'll start with friday i guess
we actually got on the road on friday after getting smoothies and getting gas and saying goodbye to everyone.
the drive was reallly nice, very scenic, i took lots of pictures!
we stopped in baker for some alien jerky and some pics of the thermometer :]
then we stopped in victorville to have dinner with Jessy :]
I had Sbarro. and the trashcans talked to us.. hahaha it was hilariouss
like.. it said thank you :]
thenn we drove until we got to jen's house
which was kinda difficult to find. lol. the street lights aren't lit up very well.
we chilled with jen, talked, had some yummy cheese and crackers. thennnn we passed out. lol
woke up and got ready, then we drove down to starbucks. im just walking straight to starbucks, but on the way back i decide to look around
and i look to my left, and litterally down the street was the beach. Like, i could see the ocean perfectly. It was absolutely beautiful.
Then we drove back to Jens house and walked down to the beach, which was like, 2 blocks away.
then on to sea world
it was amazing :]
i got pretty sun burnt, but oh well.
thn we went to dinner
and accidentally snuck into the bar, to get jens key.
it was hilarious

brunch cruise was beautiful. then pinkberry
can you say YUM :]
of course, it wasnt the same without my twinner, but it was still delicious :]
thenn we went to the beach, and then to a yummmy yummmyy dinner.

we came home :]

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