Sunday, December 27, 2009

Alll I want for Christmass, is youuuu <3

LOL. I love that song, but I get so sick of hearing it sometimes.
I'm writing out here what I got for Christmas because I've been asked a few times, and I always forget some things so I'm just gunna write it here so I can copy and paste.
Feel free to leave comments with that you got, I love sharing fun stuff :D

So uhm, item number one. If you pay attention to my tweets at all you will know I got a guitar. The most beautiful amazing lovely guitar I've ever seen in my whole life. Now mind you when I told my parents I wanted a guitar, I said a cheap one. Like, thrift store cheap. Like, walmart cheap. Nothing legit, just something from a thrift store would make me happy. I would pay to get it restrung and tuned and what not. But my parents are amazing. And my parents' friends are amazing. Seriously, we have some awesome people in our life who are true blessings to us. I got a brand new Yamaha F335. I'm in love with an inanimate object. :D
And I got a case and some picks :D

I know, nothing can top that, but I got some other awesome stuff too.
8ish movies? I think its 8. IDK, they are all movies from the $5 bin at walmart, because thats where I told mom to get them from. LOL
Three Scarves. wee. A red one (GO REBELS!) a blue/brown one and this beautiful black/white/grey scarf that is ohmygoodness gorgeous.
ZEBRA FLATS. eek. I love them, so much :D
one of those fun shampoo kits. It smells yummy
a fun razor kit, also awesome :]
JONAS lip gloss, my mother laughed when I told her Joe Jonas tasted good, and I didn't feel right with Nick/Kevin on my lips because one is married and the other is underage. But the Joe one is just my color, so its alll gravy ;]
a new brush.
Candyyy, new moon candy to be particular. My parents are hilarious
one of those life saver story book things. My parents understand my inner 12 year old
and just to show how WELL they understand my inner 12 year old, they got me a crayola color wonder scrapbook thingy, JONAS edition. heck yes it comes with jonas stickers and what not. I love it
oh but it doesn't end there. I've been begging for this since I saw the commercial. Do I care that it is made for 7 year olds? HELL no. Its a freaking board that glows in the dark and you draw on it. It is epic, and my parents are amazing and got it for me, hellooo beautiful Crayola Glow Station
If you don't know what it is, here's the commercial. I seriously recommend buying one, they are so much fun :D

and I got a book, the shack. I've been meaning to read it for a while now, and my parents listen to me :]
some penguin toe socks. They are epic and I'm in love. LOL
Jammies, slippers, and I think that is it from them.
From Tammy I got a laptop cooling pad, and a cross necklace. It was the EXACT one I wanted. I have a slight obsession with penguins.. and my necklace has a penguin on it, and comes in a penguin carrying case :D I'm in love :]
My sister is adorable, and spent her AWANA money on Christmas presents. She bought herself ONE thing, and the rest was spent on presents. I love her (AWANA money is the money the kids earn for saying verses and attendance and being in uniform and what not for church. Twice a year they go to the AWANA store to spend their money on some pretty neat stuff.) She got me a stuffed penguin, and a pink glow stick, and a straw with penguins on it. I love her. Seriously, she may be a complete pain in the ass, but she comes through in the end, and is seriously the most amazing child in the world <3 (and the pink glowstick is fun with my glow station, no lie ;]
Jessy got me a boooooooook. And it isn't right here so I don't know the title of it. damnit. Lol, but I'm about 40 pages in and I love it already, even if its confusing. LOL and she sent candy. om nom nom <3
Randi got me Disney Sing It, an edward blanket, a jacob pillowcase and a bracelet.

My parents kind of went overboard this year, its seriously ridiculous. But I love each and every one of my presents. so so much. Now that I have let my fingers rest, I'm gunna go play my guitar some more.
love you all <3

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Weeeee. Christmas has got to be the best time of the year. My fondest memories are from Christmas time, and they are things that I will cherish through my whole life.
Christmas day is always a hard time for my Mom because we used to spend every christmas in Reno with my Grandma and the whole family would drive down and we'd have sleeping bags upon sleeping bags piled everywhere in the house, and we would wake up in the morning and the living room would be effing PACKED with presents. It took FOREVER to unwrap everything. I always sat in the same spot, every single time. I'd sit in the corner of the couch, so that I could hide my underwear that I got EVERY FREAKING YEAR under the couch. One time, we found a pair that I hid under there like a year later. It was so much fun just being around family and what not, but since my grandma passed away, it has been a small Christmas here in Vegas with no hope for snow what so ever.
Last year was my FIRST real christmas, with knowing what the true meaning was and everything, and it was so special. This year is just a reflective Christmas. Keeping my loved ones close and spending some quality time with my family. I was tempted to turn off my twitter updates for tonight and tomorrow, but I really don't think I could because I count you all as my friends and family too, and I would like to share an amazing holiday with you all.

I am not kidding when I say that it is a blessing to have you all in my life, you keep me sane on my craziest days, and cheer me up when I'm feeling blue. Merry Christmas to you all, my lovelies. <3

aaaand, happy Hanukkah to my Jewish lovelies <3

Saturday, December 5, 2009


ask awayyy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Who I Am Lyrics.

Thanks Mollie :]

WHO I AM lyrics for anybody interested.

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?
I wanna break off the madness
But it's all I have
I want someone to love me
For who I am

Nothing makes sense
Nothing makes sense anymore
Nothing is right
Nothing is right when you're gone
I'm losing my breath
I'm losing my right to be wrong
I'm writing to death
I'm writing that I won't be strong

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?
I wanna break off the madness
But it's all I have
I want someone to love me
For who I am

I'm shaking it off
I'm shaking off all of the bad
You're breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart once again

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?
I wanna break off the madness
But it's all I have
I want someone to love me
For who I am

Are you gonna love me?
Yeah, for who I am

I want someone to love me
For who I am
I want someone to need me
Is that so bad?
I wanna break off the madness
But it's all I have
I want someone to love me
For who I am

Fun Facts :]

1. I like Radiohead
2. I walk up the stairs two at a time
3. I have witnessed a moshpit
4. I have experienced a moshpit
5. I once caught a fish on vacation
6. I have punched/attacked a teacher
7. I have seen someone die
8. I have made fried dough
9. I have been in a New York City taxi
10. My hair is its natural color
11. A movie had made me cry
12. A book has made me cry
13. A song has made me cry
14. I have been saved by a lifeguard
15. I am for the death penalty
16. There have been times when I seriously wished I could kill myself.
17. I know someone else who attempted suicide.
18. I don’t show my emotions.
19. I am a pessimist.
20. I usually have no self confidence.
21. People have told me they trust me.
22. There is a TV in this room.
23. I am next to a window.
24. I have given directions to someone in a car.
25. Someone has borrowed something and not given it back yet.
26. I’m a perfectionist.
27. I usually try not to bring attention to myself.
28. My parents want to know what I have for homework.
29. We sometimes watch musicals in music class.
30. I’m using a mac computer.
31. I’m home alone.
32. I’m an oldest child.
33. I have a belt on.
34. It’s studded.
35. I have plans for today.
36. We’re allowed to chew gum at school.
37. I live for summer.
38. Sometimes I act like I have OCD.
39. I could people-watch all day.
40. I’ve tried to be a vegetarian.
41. Really skinny people annoy me.
42. Lime green is an awesome color.
43. I can touch my thumb to my pinkie around my wrist.
44. I can know someone’s scent and know they’re near me.
45. My parent(s) is/are a health freak.
46. I try to use correct spelling/grammar on the computer.
47. I know the difference between its and it’s.
48. Dr. Pepper is my favorite soda.
49. I can get very annoyed by happy people.
50. I wish my hair was naturally curly.
51. I’m sarcastic a lot. a lot a lot :]
52. I’m at least a little bit Irish.
53. I don’t tell people’s secrets.
54. I don’t like the name Peg.
55. I’ve slipped on a banana peel.
56. I’m very ticklish.
57. I give people the silent treatment when I’m mad instead.
58. I wear my pajama pants to school. (living on campus FTW)
59. Swallowing pills is difficult for me.
60. I get scared in elevators.
61. I’ve been in a car for 7 hours straight.
62. I like going on the subway.
63. I’ve seen the same movie twice in a row.
64. Sometimes I wish I could get plastic surgery.
65. I have fallen down the stairs.
66. I prefer pools to oceans.
67. I have stayed up until 2:00 doing homework the whole time.
68. I’ve cried myself to sleep
69. It would almost be worth breaking a leg to use crutches.
70. I’ve fainted in public.
71. I hate bermuda shorts.
72. Big lips are attractive.
73. I like milk in my tea
74. I never wear skirts.
75. My nails are fake.
76. I can swear in different languages.
77. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
78. A stranger has tried to give me money.
79. Lipstick is uncomfortable.
80. My favorite band broke up. Lets not jinx it kayy.
81. I have some friends in my neighborhood.
82. I pack my own lunches for school.
83. I hate words with too many consonants together.
84. I’ve went three days without taking a shower.
85. Laptop mouses are impossible.
86. I have dropped something today.
87. My away message is always up to avoid people.
88. I’ve worn earphones/headphones without music to avoid people.
89. People have complimented my handwriting.
90. I know what aperture and shutter speed are.
91. I say like a lot, even though I try not to.
92. My pinkies are crooked.
93. I have a sibling in college.
94. I’ve danced in the rain before.
95. I know who wrote Great Expectations.
96. I don’t know how to do the laundry.
97. I hate doing the dishes.
98. I make index cards for school even when they’re not required.
99. I love making microwave s’mores
100. I have meditated before.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happppy Holidays

Thats about the gist of it right now. 'tis the season to be jolly. <3