Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fun Facts :]

1. I like Radiohead
2. I walk up the stairs two at a time
3. I have witnessed a moshpit
4. I have experienced a moshpit
5. I once caught a fish on vacation
6. I have punched/attacked a teacher
7. I have seen someone die
8. I have made fried dough
9. I have been in a New York City taxi
10. My hair is its natural color
11. A movie had made me cry
12. A book has made me cry
13. A song has made me cry
14. I have been saved by a lifeguard
15. I am for the death penalty
16. There have been times when I seriously wished I could kill myself.
17. I know someone else who attempted suicide.
18. I don’t show my emotions.
19. I am a pessimist.
20. I usually have no self confidence.
21. People have told me they trust me.
22. There is a TV in this room.
23. I am next to a window.
24. I have given directions to someone in a car.
25. Someone has borrowed something and not given it back yet.
26. I’m a perfectionist.
27. I usually try not to bring attention to myself.
28. My parents want to know what I have for homework.
29. We sometimes watch musicals in music class.
30. I’m using a mac computer.
31. I’m home alone.
32. I’m an oldest child.
33. I have a belt on.
34. It’s studded.
35. I have plans for today.
36. We’re allowed to chew gum at school.
37. I live for summer.
38. Sometimes I act like I have OCD.
39. I could people-watch all day.
40. I’ve tried to be a vegetarian.
41. Really skinny people annoy me.
42. Lime green is an awesome color.
43. I can touch my thumb to my pinkie around my wrist.
44. I can know someone’s scent and know they’re near me.
45. My parent(s) is/are a health freak.
46. I try to use correct spelling/grammar on the computer.
47. I know the difference between its and it’s.
48. Dr. Pepper is my favorite soda.
49. I can get very annoyed by happy people.
50. I wish my hair was naturally curly.
51. I’m sarcastic a lot. a lot a lot :]
52. I’m at least a little bit Irish.
53. I don’t tell people’s secrets.
54. I don’t like the name Peg.
55. I’ve slipped on a banana peel.
56. I’m very ticklish.
57. I give people the silent treatment when I’m mad instead.
58. I wear my pajama pants to school. (living on campus FTW)
59. Swallowing pills is difficult for me.
60. I get scared in elevators.
61. I’ve been in a car for 7 hours straight.
62. I like going on the subway.
63. I’ve seen the same movie twice in a row.
64. Sometimes I wish I could get plastic surgery.
65. I have fallen down the stairs.
66. I prefer pools to oceans.
67. I have stayed up until 2:00 doing homework the whole time.
68. I’ve cried myself to sleep
69. It would almost be worth breaking a leg to use crutches.
70. I’ve fainted in public.
71. I hate bermuda shorts.
72. Big lips are attractive.
73. I like milk in my tea
74. I never wear skirts.
75. My nails are fake.
76. I can swear in different languages.
77. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
78. A stranger has tried to give me money.
79. Lipstick is uncomfortable.
80. My favorite band broke up. Lets not jinx it kayy.
81. I have some friends in my neighborhood.
82. I pack my own lunches for school.
83. I hate words with too many consonants together.
84. I’ve went three days without taking a shower.
85. Laptop mouses are impossible.
86. I have dropped something today.
87. My away message is always up to avoid people.
88. I’ve worn earphones/headphones without music to avoid people.
89. People have complimented my handwriting.
90. I know what aperture and shutter speed are.
91. I say like a lot, even though I try not to.
92. My pinkies are crooked.
93. I have a sibling in college.
94. I’ve danced in the rain before.
95. I know who wrote Great Expectations.
96. I don’t know how to do the laundry.
97. I hate doing the dishes.
98. I make index cards for school even when they’re not required.
99. I love making microwave s’mores
100. I have meditated before.

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