Thursday, December 24, 2009


Weeeee. Christmas has got to be the best time of the year. My fondest memories are from Christmas time, and they are things that I will cherish through my whole life.
Christmas day is always a hard time for my Mom because we used to spend every christmas in Reno with my Grandma and the whole family would drive down and we'd have sleeping bags upon sleeping bags piled everywhere in the house, and we would wake up in the morning and the living room would be effing PACKED with presents. It took FOREVER to unwrap everything. I always sat in the same spot, every single time. I'd sit in the corner of the couch, so that I could hide my underwear that I got EVERY FREAKING YEAR under the couch. One time, we found a pair that I hid under there like a year later. It was so much fun just being around family and what not, but since my grandma passed away, it has been a small Christmas here in Vegas with no hope for snow what so ever.
Last year was my FIRST real christmas, with knowing what the true meaning was and everything, and it was so special. This year is just a reflective Christmas. Keeping my loved ones close and spending some quality time with my family. I was tempted to turn off my twitter updates for tonight and tomorrow, but I really don't think I could because I count you all as my friends and family too, and I would like to share an amazing holiday with you all.

I am not kidding when I say that it is a blessing to have you all in my life, you keep me sane on my craziest days, and cheer me up when I'm feeling blue. Merry Christmas to you all, my lovelies. <3

aaaand, happy Hanukkah to my Jewish lovelies <3

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