Monday, March 7, 2011

He is my portion, and I am His prize.

I was thinking about this song this morning, and I just.. I don't know, I feel somewhat unsettled? They aren't kidding when they say that the farther you get into the Word, the farther you feel away from God.

I mean honestly, I feel like God gets shafted A LOT of the time. I mean, He gets to be my portion. AS in, he is absolutely everything that I need. Whatever I need, He provides for me. But.. I am His prize? What kind of prize am I? I'm no better then anyone else, obviously, but.. What is it that makes me His prize? I lie, I cuss, I definitely don't read my bible everyday, and there are times where I just don't want to live my life for Him. Sometimes I want to be of this world and not living for Him.

God's seriously getting shafted, but I can change that. I don't need to make Him get the short end of the stick. I can live my life for Him. I can read my bible, I can talk to Him on a regular basis. I'm done shafting my Father. He deserves more then that from me :]

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