Thursday, October 22, 2009

daily daily daily

Thats my goal right now, is to start blogging daily. I need an outlet, because I'm in a funk. Once again. It always happens mid semester. I start to give up. And I recognize the signs, I really do, I just don't know how to stop it. It's really starting to annoy me that I can lose all of my mojo mid semester. My grades were doing SOOO freaking well for the first half, and they have all slipped, and I need some sort of motivation to get me going again.
You would think losing a thousand dollar scholarship and the one thing that you looked forward too would be enough motivation, but I've changes as a person.
RPC isn't as important to me anymore.

I've said it before, but there are certain places where it always feels like there's a circle and I'm always sitting right out side of it, Pushed off to the side if you will. But I've found the one place where I am laughing and standing right in the middle, and day by day more people are crowding around for a giant group hug. and that place is church. I don't know what I would be doing with my life right now if I hadn't found a passion for the children at church.

The innocent love that a child gives is the most endearing thing in the world, and the fact that there are so many children who come up to me and hug me when they see me makes my world go round. (and not in a pedo way you freaks :p) They are all so adorable, and so incredibly unique, and so loving. I feel like when I pull into the church parking lot I let out this giant sigh of relief. I feel like I'm home.

So I feel like, I need to motivate myself in my schooling to be a good example for those little ones, my munchkins as I call them, and do well in school. But UGH. this stpuid funk, I just can't get out of it.

blehh, I'm working on it. I'm going to finish all of my assignments this week. That is my goal, and step one to getting me out of my funk. And, I'll try and post everyday so that I can keep myself on my toes. LOL

anyways, I've gotta get ready for work. Thank goodness I get these extra four hours. Goodness knows I need them.

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