Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is love, love? Baby don't hurt me.

Freaking Valentines day always gets me down, because this will be the 19th consecutive year I have not had a valentine. Joy.
Instead, I'll be spending it at church, and then probably work, and then back at church. At least I have something to distract me.
Don't get my wrong, I'm definitely not Anti-Valentines day.. But sometimes a girl just wants someone to hold her hand and let her know every thing's going to be alright. I just want to freaking cuddle. Geez.
Right now You belong With Me is my anthem. T. Sweezy may be a crazy bitch, but she sure knows how to write exactly what I'm feeling(sidenote: if i agree with a crazy bitch, does that make me crazy too?LOL)
Like seriously, dude, she's not interested in you.. And you have someone who's interested RIGHT HERE. Sometimes I feel like saying, I'm as good as you are going to get buddy, so you might as well settle..
But then I know deep down inside somewhere, that if someone has to settle for me, then I must be settling for them, because I don't suck as much as I think I do.

And I really don't know if any of that made sense, but whatever.

What are your thoughts on Valentines Day?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

oh boy

my car broke yesterday. Joy to the world, but luckily it was a problem I was planning on fixing anyways so its ohh kay.
I drove through the fog today. Freaking scary as all hell. No lie, and it was only for about a mile, but I couldn't see shit. Like, what do you do in the fog? The guy in front of me put his flashers on, so i did too, just in case that was like common courtesy or something. But whatever, I made it through, in my dads truck. the really old one, that apparently i forgot to drive. this thing is like, twice the size of my car, so woah, freaking culture shock geez.
this blog is all over the place, I'm currently dying at picturing jason dance like he has special needs. gotta love him :]
the fact that ive tweeted 900 times in the last week or two is ridiculous. lmfao. i'll be to 10k in another week. hahaha

i seriously have nothing of importance to post right now. lameee <3

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's so much more then being a fan, its an experience.

I don't know about anyone else, but I get really sick and tired of hearing my parents talk crap about me being a fan of bands and what not. They call it my 'Jonas' side of myself, when really it is so much more then they realize. Seriously, the people I have met through my 'obsessions' are absolutely fantastic, and I wouldn't give up any of it. I don't sit there and research every single thing about every band that I love. I sit here and talk with fellow fans and develop friendships with them that can be more in depth then the friendships i have formed with a lot of my 'real friends'. I find it sad that I can post something on twitter and get a bunch of at replies from so many different people and they make me smile, yet when I post to facebook, my 'real friends' can't even wish me a good luck on something.

IDK, I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you guys, each and every one of you, because I don't know what I'd do with my time if I didn't have you guys to talk to. I'd probably go freaking nuts if I couldn't count you guys as friends.
and I seriously mean everyone, the old Corbin friends, You crazy JS'ers/DS'ers, Kewl Krew(ILYGUISEE) and the lovely lady HS fans. You all rock, you rock on!