Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What is love, love? Baby don't hurt me.

Freaking Valentines day always gets me down, because this will be the 19th consecutive year I have not had a valentine. Joy.
Instead, I'll be spending it at church, and then probably work, and then back at church. At least I have something to distract me.
Don't get my wrong, I'm definitely not Anti-Valentines day.. But sometimes a girl just wants someone to hold her hand and let her know every thing's going to be alright. I just want to freaking cuddle. Geez.
Right now You belong With Me is my anthem. T. Sweezy may be a crazy bitch, but she sure knows how to write exactly what I'm feeling(sidenote: if i agree with a crazy bitch, does that make me crazy too?LOL)
Like seriously, dude, she's not interested in you.. And you have someone who's interested RIGHT HERE. Sometimes I feel like saying, I'm as good as you are going to get buddy, so you might as well settle..
But then I know deep down inside somewhere, that if someone has to settle for me, then I must be settling for them, because I don't suck as much as I think I do.

And I really don't know if any of that made sense, but whatever.

What are your thoughts on Valentines Day?

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