Sunday, January 16, 2011


This changing churches thing is killing me. I wish I had made a decision so much later in the game. Like. July. July would have been a GREAT time to make the decision. aslkdjfkl. It hurts my heart to know that I'm leaving my munchkins behind. All of my favorite little ones that I adore, and that have helped me grow so much. And the parents of my favorite munchkins. Its going to seriously SUCK not seeing them twice a week. I've grown to depend on these ladies, but I know that my relationship with God has GOT to overcome any earthly relationship I might have, and if God is pulling my heart somewhere else, then I need to follow Him. His path is the right one, and I know that the enemy is the one making this so difficult, but I have to keep this decision of mine to myself (well mostly to myself anyways) for another eight months. EIGHT FREAKING MONTHS. I'm slowly telling people, but I don't want it to be a huge deal. But I don't just want to drop off the face of the earth either. Every Sunday morning I wake up and think, this is one Sunday closer to being at Shadow Hills. I'm so scared, so nervous. I... I just.. I know I've made the right decision for me. For my family. But.. ahhhhh. Its so hard :(

I'm talking in circles. If only I could write how many circles my mind is going it. Ugh.


Jessicaa said...

You'll be okay doll, it's hard right now, but it'll get better. I want to question the 8 months bit with what i think it is, but i wouldn't want to disclose information if i'm correct. And everyone talks in circles, it's okay to do so. <3

tashaaa_x3 said...

The eight months was how long I was going to wait to change, but God had different plans. Lol