Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Called to action :)

So I had the most amazing quiet time at starbucks the other day, and I've been stuck on these verses that have been running through my head the past few days.
"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead" James 2:17 (NIV)
This jumped out because of a conversation I had at camp that has stuck with me. A friend said to not be too spiritual. The answer is prayer, but that isn't the only answer you can give people. Sometimes a friend needs advice. I mean, we are told to seek wise council, and you may not have all of the answers but God definitely equips us with the wisdom we need. But more importantly is the ACTION part of this verse. We need to act. Because we are called to do God's will and that requires action on our part. Yes prayer is a very important part of life, but we need to act and not just speak.

I think the action part is my favorite part of our 40 days of community thing we are doing at church. We are building each other up, and forming amazing relationships with others, but through that we are reaching out, and ACTING on god's will. "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you are serving the Lord and not men." Ephesians 6:7 god is calling me to action, and that is the verse I am clinging to in this moment in time. God is good, all the time. <3

1 comment:

*ashley* said...

i love this idea! I have been looking for different ways to volunteer over here and hopefully i'll find something to start real soon