Thursday, November 3, 2011


‎"Maybe 99 out of 100 people will disappoint you...I don't know I think you find the magic of the world in the marginal error"

This quote has been floating around a lot lately. I've literally seen it as three facebook status's today alone. And I definitely see the truth in this. I mean, at one point or another EVERYONE is going to disappoint you.

But I mean, look at it from the other side. Everyone that you come into contact with, all of your friends, your classmates, your roommates. Every single one of them at one point or another will disappoint you. But, if we go by this little quote, that means everyone YOU come in contact with, you will disappoint as well.

I bet you didn't think about that when you looked at that quote and said hey, that applies to my life. Because people disappoint you, but you always have the capability of disappointing them as well.

But as I think about that more and more, I sit and smile because I serve an amazingly awesome and all powerful God who will never disappoint me. He is that 1% marginal error. And that just seriously makes me smile. Because everyone stumbles, and everyone falls, and I'm going to screw up. It's promised. But God never fails. God never screws up. And He never disappoints. And if I have to deal with disappointing everyone, and everyone disappointing me, well then I can handle that.

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