Monday, November 14, 2011


I love you. So very much. I love a lot of people, but you just seriously have a special place in my heart. I'm so grateful for the time that we get to spend together, when we actually get a chance to.

We've done some fun things together. Some really amazing work for Jesus. And he puts us together to get work done, and I just know that we've got more work ahead of us. Who knows what it's going to be, but its going to be amazing.

What you told me recently breaks my heart. Everything you've been going through literally breaks my heart, but the result of the demons in your life that got the best of you just tears my heart in two. You know why I feel the way I feel about your situation, and it just tears me up that you slipped a little bit. But I'm praying for you, and I know that you don't have to slip again. If you really want to stay on track you can. I'm writing you another letter, and I'm going to write you one every month just so that you know that I'm praying for you.

I'm sorry you feel abandoned, but I feel like you kind of put yourself there. You left. You wanted out. And then you are upset that the people you were so ready to leave behind let you go. It makes me sad that you didn't realize how much you needed them until they were gone. And it also makes me sad that they have yet to realize that they need you. But I promise you I'm not leaving. I'm here, and I'm staying and even if you feel like there's no where to turn, you've got me. I promise

I love you <3

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