Monday, March 1, 2010

I forgot to post this hereee :D

This song is beautiful, I know nothing will top the original, but it is amazing none the less. It is a true representation of music today, with the pop, R&B, Rap, hip Hop, classic rock. To get that many celebs in one room at one point in time is truley a feat that is usualy only conquered by awards show.

I'm legit so sick of hearing people say why are we focusing so much on Haiti, when we have plenty of people who need help in our own backyard.
Last time I checked we were all a part of this earth, and we are all God's children.
"God shows no acts of favoritism"(Acts 10:34) so why should we?
Whether it is someone who is living in Haiti or America or Uganda or freaking England. If a natural disaster occurs, we should band together as a WORLD and help out.

Maybe instead of shaking your head at the people who are only helping for the big things, you shoudl applaud them. After all, when was the last time you gave a homeless man a cheese burger? How about helping out at a food bank? Donating to something other then cancer research or heart disease? There are problems everywhere, and there is no reason to not help because its not in America.

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