Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I fucking hate that word, more then anything, and the damn piece of shit tried to ruin my birthday.
See, the thing is while I was driving to Cali, the dumb doctor called and told me the stupid thing they took off of my neck was skin cancer. JOY. Just what you want to hear right. Yeah, don't flip out too much, its a Basil Cell cancer or whatever, so that means it doesn't spread. WOO. (that woo was kind of sarcastic, NGL)
But what it does mean, is that I have to go back to the doctors office and they have to scrape more skin away and get the rest of the cancer off of my skin. I keep repeating cancer, because it is like.. Yelling in my head right now. its like oh hey tasha CANCERRRRRR. What now bitch?
Yeah, my cancer is sarcastic too.

So, I know I don't need to freak, but I am freaking out hard core. No lie, like, right now I am crying. Because I am scared. And I don't know what to do, and I don't know what this means, and I... I just don't know.

And I don't want to talk to my parents about it because them worrying about my skin cancer is the last thing they need. Not to mention, this surgery is probably going to be really expensive, because insurance isn't all that amazing, well it is, bu

1 comment:

*ashley* said...

oh my gosh!!! that is so scary..i'm so sorry, but i am glad that they caught it..and i hope they can just get rid of it and..kick the douchebag in the face...good vibes, girl, and if you need ANYTHING let me know <3 <3